There’s a little mantra I’ve been using lately that has become a game changer for me. It’s simple, yet incredibly powerful:
“How can this day get any better than this?”
At first glance, it seems like a casual question, but it holds a world of possibility. It’s not about denying whatever is happening around you, whether good, bad, or somewhere in between. Instead, it’s about prompting your mind to search for the good—and more importantly, to look for more.
Let’s talk about how our brains love to answer questions. They’re like diligent little detectives, always on the lookout for evidence to support whatever you’ve been focusing on. Ask your mind, “Why does everything always go wrong?” and it will eagerly dig up every single frustrating moment from your day, week, or even year, to prove that you’re right.
But here’s where the magic happens: when you flip the question to something like “How can this day get any better than this?”, you’re training your brain to search for the positive. You’re opening yourself up to curiosity, hope, and—dare I say it—a little joy. You’re encouraging your mind to look for signs of peace, happiness, and connection, no matter how big or small.
It’s like giving your brain a gentle nudge and saying, “Hey, keep your eyes peeled for the good stuff!” And it works. Our minds naturally want to find answers to the questions we ask, so why not let them focus on something that brings in a little more light?
This mantra is not about avoiding the reality of tough days. It’s not some magical thinking that pretends everything is perfect when it’s clearly not. We all have days where stress, frustration, and challenges feel overwhelming.
But what if, even on those days, we could still ask, “How can this day get any better than this?” Maybe the answer won’t be something grand. Maybe it’s a small moment of peace you create for yourself. A deep breath. A kind word from someone. A moment where you allow yourself to rest. Or even just the fact that you’ve made it through today—that can feel like a win.
The beauty of this question is in its simplicity. It’s a mindset shift. Instead of waiting for the day to go wrong, you’re gently opening yourself up to the possibility that it could, in fact, get better. And the better doesn’t have to be big. It could be something as simple as a smile from a stranger, a warm cup of tea, or the satisfaction of crossing something off your to-do list.
Asking yourself this question invites the universe to show you what’s possible when you focus on what could go right, rather than what could go wrong. And let’s be honest, we could all use a little more of that energy in our lives.
So, I encourage you to try it. Next time you feel a bit stuck, frustrated, or even when things are going well, take a moment to pause and ask yourself:
How can this day get any better than this?
Let your mind do what it does best—search for answers. And see what unfolds when you open yourself up to the possibility of even the smallest moments of joy.
With love and positivity,
p.s. If you are interested in becoming less stressed, experiencing greater peace and calm, I invite you to book a complimentary call with me to see if we are a fit. Schedule that here.
I agree that finding the positive in the small moments can make your day better. My daughter keeps a daily journal of the good things that happen in her day. It’s a great way to manifest a positive attitude. I try to do it once in awhile.
That’s awesome to hear. Yes a gratitude journal is another tool to keep your vibes high.